Task I. Observe the statements below.
a. Cows are mammal and buffaloes are too.
b. I like orchids and my sister does too.
c. Buffaloes eat grass and so do cows.
d. We have visited Dieng and so has Mr. John.
e. Orchids cannot grow in any soil and Edelweiss cannot either.
f. You haven't been to Ujung Kulon and neither have I
Task 2. Now read the summary
- Underlined parts are called elliptic statement.
- There are two kinds of elliptical statements.
- Positive elliptical statements for a to d
- Negative elliptical statements for e and f
For Positive we can use :
- too ----> in : Statement + And + Subject + Aux + Too
- so -----> in : Statement + And + so + Aux + subject
For Negative we can use :
- either -----> in : Statement + And + Subject + Aux + not + either
- neither ----> in: Statement + And + Neither + Aux + Subject
Task 3. Based on the summary. Do the exercise use too, so or either, neither.
1. A Rose is beautiful. A lily is beautiful.
2. Dee can run fast. Cheetah can run fast.
3. I don't study Biology. He doesn't study Biology.
4. Mother hasn't seen Arnoldi. You haven't seen Arnoldy.
5. They will have a camping. The boys will have a camping.
6. Linda has funny cat. Robby has a funny cat.
7. Birds cannot live in the water. Dogs cannot live in the water.
8. Elephants aren't small. Rhinoceros aren't small.
Monday, July 19, 2010
There are four seasons in Europe.They are spring, summer, autumn or fall and winter. Each season lasts for about three months. Spring lasts from March until May. Summer begins around June and ends around August. Autumn is from September until November and Winter is from December until February. Of course we cannot fix the exact date and day when each season begins.
If you happen to stay in London for instance, you will be able to fell and see the difference among them.
It seems funny to see that it rains a lot of in summer. The temperature is around 21oC at the day time, but for the people there, it is hot enough. Lost of people go to beach to swim or just have too sun bathing. Summer is also the harvest time.
The opposite is winter. Don't try to wear thin clothes there, or you will be chilly cold. The temperature often drops to several degrees below zero. If you are lucky you may see snows every where.
You will see everything green in spring. The trees are full of leaves and the flowers are blooming everywhere. People often tahe a walk in the park to have fresh air. Well, everything is beautiful is spring.
Autumn is marked with falling leaves and strong winds. Bare trees everywhere and everything is dull. The temperature begins to drop because it is close to the winter time.
If you happen to stay in London for instance, you will be able to fell and see the difference among them.
It seems funny to see that it rains a lot of in summer. The temperature is around 21oC at the day time, but for the people there, it is hot enough. Lost of people go to beach to swim or just have too sun bathing. Summer is also the harvest time.
The opposite is winter. Don't try to wear thin clothes there, or you will be chilly cold. The temperature often drops to several degrees below zero. If you are lucky you may see snows every where.
You will see everything green in spring. The trees are full of leaves and the flowers are blooming everywhere. People often tahe a walk in the park to have fresh air. Well, everything is beautiful is spring.
Autumn is marked with falling leaves and strong winds. Bare trees everywhere and everything is dull. The temperature begins to drop because it is close to the winter time.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Planting is the job of farmers. Do you know to plant rice? Here are some steps how to plant rice. The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds which are completely dry. These seeds must have been stored at least 40 to 50 days in the storage. The second step is seeding the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and smoothening the soil in a watering area. Spread the fertilizer and mixed with the soil to make the soil fertile. Then make the seedlings ready by watering sufficiently in the surface of the seedlings. And finally spread the seeds. The following step is cultivating soil. While you are doing the raise seedlings, hoe whole soil for planting. Plow the soil and then leave it for about one week to kill the grass. Plow the second time and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer with the soil thoroughly to make the fertile. Give water for about 3 cm above the surface of the soil to make the fertilizer settled in the soil. The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area. Pull out the seed carefully from the seedling and let the roof of the seed stick some soil. Pick two or three seeds and plant into the soil for about 3 or 4 cm in dept, make sure that the distance of each group of seeds is more or less 30 cm. Don't forget to spread the organic fertilizer during the planting of the seeds. |
1. Andi is playing a ball near a glass window. Father ask him to stop. Father : Be careful. You'll break the window. 2. Rini was walking with Tina. When she saw a careless driver, drove too near to them. Rina : Watch out Tina! 3. Be careful, watch out are use to .... 4. We also can use : - Fire - Run - Look Out - Wait Give warning to your friends who 1) Wear gold accessories in the market. 2) Bring a lot of glasses. 3) Climb a high tree. 4) Cross busy read. 5) Drive too fast. 6) Swim in a river. |
Make sentences using the frame words and add with your own idea. Example : Sickle - chop down a big tree - axe Student A : Don't use a sickle to chop down a big tree Student B : You must an axe to do it Student C : Or, you can use a chain saw 1. Goat - draw the plow - buffaloes Student A : Student B : Student C : Or 2. Rake - dig the hole - hoe Student A : Student B : Student C : Or 3. Knife - cut wood - saw Student A : Student B : Student C : Or 4. Saw - mew the grass - sickle Student A : Student B : Student C : Or 5. Saw - cut hedges beauty - shears Student A : Student B : Student C : Or 6. Sickle - cheap wood - chopping knife Student A : Student B : Student C : Or |
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Two fishermen tied their boat up, hurried out of the boat and ran down of the streets their hometown 'We saw a dragon on Komodo, Island they shouted. 'We saw a dragon!' A man heard their shouts. He was an American named Douglas Burden. Burden was a naturalist. A naturalist is a person who tries to learn as much as he can about things that live. He believed that what the two men said but there was only one way to find out. He had to go to Komodo Island himself and brought back one of the dragons for people to see. So Douglas Burden and some friends sailed halfway around the world to the tiny island off the coast of Indonesia. When they reached the island they were afraid that the traps and cages they had with them would not be strong enough to hold the dragons. There were dragons on island. They weren't the same dragons people see in picture books and in children's stories., but they looked more like dragons than any other animal Burden had ever seen. They were really large lizards - some of them three meter long and as heavy as two men. Their legs were short and thick and on their feet were sharp claws like knives. Although they did not breathe fire like the dragon in story books, the lizard had yellow forked tongues that moved quickly in and out of their mouths. It was difficult and dangerous to catch the lizards. Sometimes the lizards attacked the men. Sometimes the men had to kill the lizards to save themselves. Finally, Burden and his friends caught two live Komodos and put them in cages on their ship. Then they sailed back to America. When the two dragons were put into the Brooklyn Zoo in New York City, people came from all over America to see them. Burden was pleased that so many people had a chance to see two live dragons. That was more than 45 years ago. Today there are no more live dragons anywhere in the world except on tiny island of Komodo. They still live there. |
Tigers live in warm countries like India, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They do not like hot weather as it makes them very tired. They sleep in long grass caves and rumed building and even in swamps or shallow water and they came out to hunt at night. Tigers hunt alone and usually at night, hunt deer wild pig and also, smaller animals such monkeys, sometimes they attack bigger animals, such as buffaloes by springing on their backs and break their necks when it is difficult to find animals. Tigers move closer to villages and farms. Tigers are not very good a climbing trees they can spring up twelve feet or more on two branch of a tree and lie a long bough. A tiger usually has two or three cubs at a time though she may have as many as mix. They stay with their mother until they are two years old and during this time she trains them to hunt. |
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Study the dialogue carefully
Tono : | This is a very nice place. And I'm very fond of flower. Do you come here often? |
Wati : | Quite often. We enjoy spending the week - ends here moreever we like gardening very much. |
Tono : | How about jogging around this park? |
Wati : | Sorry. I'm not particulary fond of jogging. |
Task 2. There are some ways to express pleasure or like they are:
- like | - be - keen on |
- enjoy | - be - very fond of |
- be - interested in | - be - crazy about, etc |
To show displeasure or dislike, we can use:
- Don't like | - especially dislike |
- really hate | - be - not very keen on |
- can't stand | - be - not particulary fond of, etc |
Task 3. Give your own idea (pleasure or dispeasure) to:
1. hot food | 7. long hair boy |
2. sport | 8. phylately |
3. country music | 9. mango |
4. durian | 10. orchestra |
5. singing | 11.mini skirt |
6. watching TV | 12. jeans trouser |
Task 1. Examine teh statement below.
Too + Adjective is to express quality of things.
Too + Adjective has negative sense that someting we talk are not so good or else.
Task 3. Choose the correct quality.
- Your cactus will die. You give too much water to it.
- Javanese tigers are rare. Too many of them were hunted.
- I can't eat this soup, it is too hot.
Too + Adjective is to express quality of things.
Too + Adjective has negative sense that someting we talk are not so good or else.
Task 3. Choose the correct quality.
- You must turn down the radio it is (too loud, too high).
- The soup isn't good in taste. It's very salty. I must have put (too many, too much) salt in it.
- The girl is black out. She is (too thin, too weak) to have hiking activity.
- Although I am very hungry, I won't go to this restaurant. There are (too many, too few) people there.
- The Indonesia temperature is (too hot, too fresh) for Mr. Smith as he is a European.
- Cheetah runs (too speed, too fast) to follow by our camera.
- Only few students can do the test correctly. It's is (too simple, too difficult).
- Rhinos move slowly in the muddy water. Their bodies are (too big, too fat) to move quickly.
There are some places in Indonesia which are likes desert. But many years ago, trees and plans grew there. Now the ground is hard and dry and nothing grows there. The land is dead. But why did the land die? It died because people cut down all the trees. They wanted the wood and the land. But now there is nothing.
Trees help other plants grow. Trees have roots under the ground and the roots hold the earth. They stop it washing away when the heavy rain comes. Leaves which fall from the trees stop the rain washing away the soft cart on the top of the ground. Trees stop strong wind from blowing small plants away.
In many countries around the world, people are cutting down the forest. Now there are floods, because the water washes quickly down the hills and floods the land. The water destroys farms houses and animals. Some times it kills people too. Today we must save the trees and the forest. Today the Indonesian government is planting many trees to save the land. When a tree is cut down we must plant a new tree in the place. We do not want the land in die.
Trees help other plants grow. Trees have roots under the ground and the roots hold the earth. They stop it washing away when the heavy rain comes. Leaves which fall from the trees stop the rain washing away the soft cart on the top of the ground. Trees stop strong wind from blowing small plants away.
In many countries around the world, people are cutting down the forest. Now there are floods, because the water washes quickly down the hills and floods the land. The water destroys farms houses and animals. Some times it kills people too. Today we must save the trees and the forest. Today the Indonesian government is planting many trees to save the land. When a tree is cut down we must plant a new tree in the place. We do not want the land in die.
Task I. Have you ever seen these notices.
What are their meaning
What are their meaning
- Watch out! Foggy area.
- Be carefull! Sheep.
- Flood!
- Mind your step!
- Look out! Slippery road.
- Be carefull!
- Watch out!
- Look Out!
- Wait!
- Fire!
- Mind!
- Flood!
- etc
- Bringing a trayful of glasses.
- Crossing a crowded road.
- Riding his bicycle carelessly.
- Wearing goldess accesories.
- Climbing a high tree.
- Playing with a sharp knife.
- Walking in a steep path.
- Driving the car very fast.
- Swimming in a deep river.
- Bringing a lot of money.
Monday, June 21, 2010

The vast archipelago and the great number of islands have made Indonesia the home of large variety of plant life. The Indonesia flora ranges from the tiny orchid to the giant rafflesia plant. No wonder many botanists are curious to study these plants. The rafflesia arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. It is unusual because of its large size. It has a flower almost a meter in diameter and 1.40 meters in height. "Rafflesia" is derived from the name of the British Governor General, Sir Thomas Stamford Rafflesia, who once governed and built the Botanical Gardens in Bogor. Though it is called Rafflesia after Raffles, the man who discovered the plant was Beccary, an Italian botanist who visited Sumatera in 1928. Rafflesia consist of two parts: the stick-like part which grows in the middle and the petals around and below it. The Rafflesia plant begins two flower in its tenth year. It blooms three or four times a year. Before it begins to flower, the leaves and the steam become dry and look dead, but the main root in the ground is still alive. While the flower is blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell which attracs insect, especially green flies. They seen eagger to explore the flower. But it flies touch the bottom part of the stick, they will die. |
There are two main types of plants, flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits. Non-flowering plants cannot grow flowers. They include the fern, fungi and algae. You cannot see many non-flowering plants around you. Roots grow down into the soil, often branching again and again. The roots are covered with tiny hars, which take in water and minerals from the soil. The stem grows upward from the root. Part or all of the stem may be underground. A stem may trail along the ground, climb a post or grow straight up in the air. Leaves produce food in the form of sugar, for the entire plant. The leaves contain a special green substance that enables them to do this. This substance is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can produce sugar only in the presence of light. Carbon dioxide, which is a gas in the air, is also needed. So is water from the soil. Plants grow in almost every part of the world. We see plants such as flowers, grass, and trees nearly everyday. Plants also grow in mountain tops, in the oceans, in many deserts and in polar regions. Some tiny plants that grow on the forest floor can be barely seen. Plants are also the oldest living things. |
Task I Pay attention to the dialogue below! Hasan : My flowers do not grow well. What do you thing, Amin? Amin : Do you water them every day? Hasan : Yes, I water them every morning and afternoon. Amin : What's about fertilizer? Hasan : I don't use it. Amin : It's possible that the plants are lack of fertilizer. Task II Answer the questions - Who are in the dialogue? - What happened with Hasan's flowers? - What is Amin's conclussion? To express possibility, we can use : - It's possible .... - May be .... - Perharps .... - I think .... And to express impossibility, we can use : - It's impossible .... - I don't think .... Task III Give possibility and impossibility for the conditions below. Number one is done for example. 1. There are not many people in the Safari Park. (P) : May be it is closed. (I) : It's impossible it gives interesting attractions. 2. My mother likes gardening very much. (P) : (I) : 3. Edelweiss can grow just on the top of mountain. (P) : (I) : |
Tree is the largest of all plants. The tallest grow over 61 meters tall. Many tree also live longer than other plants. Some trees live for thousand of years. They are the oldest living things that man knows. People think that trees are different from other plants. Most of the other plants grow only 2 short time and then die. People think of trees as permanent parts of the landscape. Tree continue to grows long as they live.They grow new leaves and flowers. Leaves of a tree make food the food keeps the tree alive and helps it grow. The flowers grow into fruits. The food keeps the tree alive and helps it grow. The flowers grow into fruits. The fruits contain seeds for making new trees. Tree are different from other plants like herbs and shrubs. Most trees grow at least 4.6 to 6.1 meters, but herb and shrubs are much shorter than trees, they have woody stems, but most shrubs have more then one stem and none of the stems of shrubs grows so thick or tall as a tree trunk. There are thousands of kinds of trees, but most of trees belong to one of two main groups. They are breadleaf trees and needleaf trees. These two types of trees grow in many part of the world. Most other types of trees, such as palms and free ferns, grow mainly in warm regions. |
Indonesia has a large sea. The width of sea is more than land. People give the names of these according the island or the place. They are Java sea in the north of Java, Florest sea in the North of Florest, Banda sea in Maluku, Arafura sea in the south of Maluku etc. Indonesia sea is important for us. Besides for transportation, it is also give us some products, like : fish, salt pearl and sea park. Fish is in Bagan siapi-api; salt is in Sumenep and Kalianget; pearl is in Aru; sea park is in Ambon. |
The Indonesia archipelago is situated below the equator. The islands stretch from, the tip of the Malay Peninsula eastward to the Philippines and Australia. Indonesia has a tropical climate, which is greatly influenced by mountains and the sea. In comparison with the most European countries which have four seasons. Spring, summer, Autumn, and Winter, Indonesia has only two seasons. The wet and the dry seasons. Every seasons last for about six months. The wet seasons begins in September and Ends in March. The dry seasons begins in March and ends in August, September, October, November and December are the Wettest season of the year. Most of Indonesia receives adequate rain all year. The southern Sulawesi and central java through the lesser Sunda Islands have a dry season off at least four months because of the monsoon blowing from Australia to the coast of Asia. However, It must be noted that rainfall varies in individual islands and the particular mountain ranges. |
Study these dialogue. 1. The teacher : Budi, please give this letter to Mr. David, maths teacher in Staff Office. Budi : What is Mr. David like, Mam? The teacher : He is tall,may be the tallest man there. 2. Nancy : Do you like pear? Vanda : No, I don't like Nancy : How about grapes? Vanda : I don't like, either. Nancy : Whay do you like? Vnada : I like orange and apple Study these patterns. - What is Mr. David like? - He is tall - What do you like? - I like orange and apple CONCLUSION: What + To be + Noun/Pronoun + Like? What + Auxiliary + Noun/Pronoun + Like? |
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Eman: | How is the weather? |
Indah: | It's very hot. The sun is shining brightly. |
Eman: | Yes, Though if rained last night. |
Indah: | Let's go out to see beautiful flowers. |
Eman: | Look, There are a lot of butterflies. Ah, how beautiful they are. We cannot see them in the city. |
Indah: | There is a valley over there with its river, hills and green meadows. Well, I hope it is not going to rain tonight. |
Eman: | Do you want to go out tonight? |
Indah: | No, I just want to see the moonlight and the stars in the sky. |
Eman: | There is a forest over there like a green carpet |
Indah: | Yes, it's really a wonderful country with its natural resources. |
Eman: | We are lucky to live in Indonesia. |
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, stretches almost 5.000 km from Sabang to Merauke. It lies between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between two oceans, Samudera Indonesia and the Pasific Ocean. The archipelago contains 13.677 islands, thousands of them have no inhabitans. The five main islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya Although it's a large country, most of Indonesia is the sea. Its total land area is only 1.900.000 square kilometers and most of it are mountainous. There are 15 volcanic mountains in the country. The most popular is Mt. Krakatau which has killed thounsands of people during its eruptions in 1883 |
Study these pattern. 1. A : How about listening to music? B : That's a good idea 2. A : How about going to Selomanik? B : I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't. 3. A : How about singing a song? B : I'd love to Pattern: How about + V - ing + Object/Adverb |
Mr. Bakri is manager of a factory. he is very busy, but he still spends some of his time for music. He likes music ver much, although he can't play it. He can't work well without listening to music. He has a tape recorder in his room. He has many cassettes, he can listen to music any time. Last Sunday he saw a musical show with his son who also likes music. They went to Taman Ismail Marzuki by car. They left at seven o'clock and came at half past seven. There were many people who wanted to see the show because the ticket was cheaper than before. Mr. Bakri and his son got the tickets easily because people stood in line. The show began at eight o'clock. The first performance was Bosmiq Band. It had four musicians Jojo and Aan played the guitars. Adit was the drummer and Widya played the organ. They sang 'Angan' at first and the second song was "Dust in the Wind". They played very well. The next was Amuba Band. It performed two country songs. The audience enjoyed the show very much. It ended at eleven o'clock. |
An old lion sat in front of his cave. He was very hungry. A goat came by. "Good morning, Mr. Goad," said the lion. "You are welcome to my cave and have a game with me." The goat went in but he did nt come out. Then a dog came by. "Good morning, Mr. Dog." said the lion. "You are welcome to my cave, and have a game with me" The dog went in, but he did not come out. By and by a mousedeer. "Good morning, Mr Mousedeer." said the lion. "You are welcome to my cave and have a game with me." "No, thank you." said Mr. Mousedeer. "I have wacthed you sit there for along time. I have heard you talk to the dog and the goat. I have seen them go in, but I have not seen them come out." |
There are many kinds of wild animals in forest of Indonesia. Tigers, elephants, bears, orang utans, and rhinoceroses are some of the big wild animals. But now they are rarely in their natural habitat because some people have hunted and killed the. In order to protect those rare animals, our government has built wild life reserves. One of them is Ujung Kulon. It is in western tip of java. There you can find some protected animals. The very famous one is rhinoceros. Rhinoceroses are animals with one or two horns at the end of their nose. They are clumsy and tough. Rhinoceroses cannot see well. They do not have good eyesight. But they can smell and hear well. |
Sunday, June 6, 2010
"Adverb" is part of speech that explains how, where, and when something happens. Adverb is categorized based on their function. They are ; a. Adverb of manner (quickly, seriously, diligently, well, late, hard, fast, etc.) Explaining how an action is happened. b. Adverb of frequency (never, ever, seldom /rare, often, usually, always, every ....,etc) Explaining how often an action happened. c. Adverb of degree / intensity (very, enough, rather, fairly, nearly, pretty, etc.) Explaining the intensity of action happening. d. Adverb of time (immediately, now, then, soon, today, last..., next ..., etc.) Explaining when the action is happened. e. Adverb of place (here, there, at home, to the office, etc.) Explaining where the action is happened. The position of adverbs 1. Verb + Adverb e.g. : He is talking seriously. 2. Adverb + Verb e.g. : He always attends the class. 3. Be + Adverb e.g. : She is very clever 4. Auxiliary Verb + Adverb e.g. : I have never been so sad. 5. Object + Adverb e.g. : I eat my bread quickly. Suppose we have some adverbs in one sentences we can place them in the following sequence; M + D + M + P + T Have look at these examples! # We usually do our homework very seriously at home in the night. (F) (D) (M) (P) (T) # He is always very quickly to understand the lesson at class in the morning. (F) (D) (M) (P) (T) |
Present Future Tense
Take notice to the following forms! STATEMENT (I - You - She - He - It - We - They) will come tomorrow NEGATIVE (I - You - She - He - It - We - They) will not (won't) come tomorrow SHORT ANSWER Yes will ( I - You - She - He - It - We - They) No, won't CONTRACTION I'll, You'll, She'll, He'll, It'll, We'll, They'll Will usually contracted with pronouns in both speech and informal writing. Bob + will = "Bob'll" The teacher will = "the teacher'll" Will is usually contracted with nouns in speech, but usually not in writing. Notes:
Be going to and will are the same when they are used to make prediction about the future. (1) and (2) have the same meaning. Be going to (but not will) is used to express a preconceived plan. In (3) : The speaker is planning to build a bookcase. Will (but not be going to) is used to volunteer or express willingness. In (d) : The speaker is happy to help. |
Telephone rate increase
I was surprised to learn that the government had increased telephone rate by almost 28 percent; I am against this move. Telephone rates must not be raised for the following reasons:
Given that the telecommunications business is highly lucrative, greater transparency in the management of this business is necessary; as it will demonstrate to the public whether or not is necessary to raise telephone rates. In my opinion, telecommunications facilities must be catogorized as a basic, public need and therefore their rates cannot be raised arbitrarily. |
Never Compromise with Black Politicians
This is indeed a period of "garbage" a time when the nation's badness has surfaced. However, we cannot imagine how this could get any worse than it is now. One scandal occurs and another follows, either by the same or different actors. Bank robberies occur frequently, making us aware how poor our bank security is. Meanwhile, the law seems to be only display. Politicians only think in the short term. They are only full of energy when they talk about power, particularly when it is their own. It is also true that man / candidates for the provincial Legislative Bodies have falsified their lists of supporters and their academic degrees. We can never retreat from the war against "black" politicans and would-be "Black" politicians. Former Czed president Vaclac Havel, who has a good image among his people, showed that politics is the will to make people happy. Therefore, if we want this nation to awaken, we must say firmly that there will be no compromise with politicians who build their careers on cheating. |
Smoking should be banned in all public places. It will help us have healthy human resources. It is well known that smoking causes lung cancer that leads to death. It has also been proven that cigarette smoke can harm non-smokers when they are around people who smoke. Statistics show that there is a greater possibility for non-smokers to suffer from lung cancer that people who don't have any contact with cigarette at all. Considering the facts, it seems logical to ban smoking in all public places. |
Expressin of Love and Sadness
The following are some expressions used to express love.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hi everybody, How are you doing today? Are you ok? I hope so. Are you happy? I hope so. You know the world of English is fan and exciting place to be. I'm so glad you could join me for another lesson. In today's lesson, we will take a look at one of many exceptional situations that exist within the English language. In this case, where a Nound can also be used as a verb. |
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