Sunday, June 6, 2010


"Adverb" is part of speech that explains how, where, and when something happens. Adverb is categorized based on their function. They are ;
a.  Adverb of manner (quickly, seriously, diligently, well, late, hard, fast, etc.)
     Explaining how an action is happened.
b.  Adverb of frequency (never, ever, seldom /rare, often, usually, always, every ....,etc)
     Explaining how often an action happened.
c.  Adverb of degree / intensity (very, enough, rather, fairly, nearly, pretty, etc.)
     Explaining the intensity of action happening.
d.  Adverb of time (immediately, now, then, soon, today, last..., next ..., etc.)
     Explaining when the action is happened.
e.  Adverb of place (here, there, at home, to the office, etc.)
     Explaining where the action is happened.

The position of adverbs
1.  Verb + Adverb
     e.g.  : He is talking seriously.
2.  Adverb + Verb
     e.g. : He always attends the class.
3.  Be + Adverb
     e.g. : She is very clever
4.  Auxiliary Verb + Adverb
     e.g. : I have never been so sad.
5.  Object + Adverb
     e.g. : I eat my bread quickly.

Suppose we have some adverbs in one sentences we can place them in the following sequence;
                      M + D + M + P + T
Have look at these examples!
#  We usually do our homework very seriously at home in the night.
             (F)                              (D)     (M)         (P)            (T)
#  He is always very quickly to understand the lesson at class in the morning.
              (F)      (D)    (M)                                            (P)          (T)


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