Monday, June 21, 2010


     Tree is the largest of all plants. The tallest grow over 61 meters tall. Many tree also live longer than other plants. Some trees live for thousand of years. They are the oldest living things that man knows.

     People think that trees are different from other plants. Most of the other plants grow only 2 short time and then die. People think of trees as permanent parts of the landscape.

     Tree continue to grows long as they live.They grow new leaves and flowers. Leaves of  a tree make food the food keeps the tree alive and helps it grow. The flowers grow into fruits. The food keeps the tree alive and helps it grow. The flowers grow into fruits. The fruits contain seeds for making new trees.

    Tree are different from other plants like herbs and shrubs. Most trees grow at least 4.6 to 6.1 meters, but herb and shrubs are much shorter than trees, they have woody stems, but most shrubs have more then one stem and none of the stems of shrubs grows so thick or tall as a tree trunk.

     There are thousands of kinds of trees, but most of trees belong to one of two main groups. They are breadleaf trees and needleaf trees. These two types of trees grow in many part of the world. Most other types of trees, such as palms and free ferns, grow mainly in warm regions.


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